A Reward or a Bribe?
It has been a long time since I last wrote as I have been struggling with some (to save you my long rambling speech) parenting stuff,...

A Setback in My Multilingual Parenting Journey
Many bilingual or multilingual parenting experts have prepared me that my child will eventually refuse to answer back in the target...

What to Do When Your Multilingual Child Goes to A School in The Majority Language?
In the Netherlands, kids start school when they turn four (yes, kids start school at any time of the year). As my daughter is turning 4...

Tiny Habits for Our Multilingual Journey in 2016
It's almost that time of the year again...you know, the time to make New Year's resolutions. No matter how you feel about resolutions,...

Now We're Back (from HK)!
Apologies for the silence as we were recovering from the 5 weeks in Hong Kong. We'd been battling with jetlag, teething (of course!), the...

How to Survive A Trip Visiting Overseas Grandparents?
Like many expat families, we have to take a trip to visit the overseas grandparents once in a while. And we've been in Hong Kong for 2+...

How to Video Chat with Grandparents
Mid Autumn Festival is just around the corner and it is a festival that is all about family reunion and togetherness. But if you're an...

Mommy is tired! Now what?
We are raising our children trilingually and I speak the two minority languages (Cantonese and English) to our two young children....

Cantonese before Bed
I once came across an article that said our brains are the most receptive to new information an hour before a long stretch of sleep of 3+...

Quotes to Inspire Bilingual/Multilingual Parents
Are you desperate to introduce Cantonese to your little one, or already taking on the challenge but find it difficult to stay motivated?...