Quotes to Inspire Bilingual/Multilingual Parents

Are you desperate to introduce Cantonese to your little one, or already taking on the challenge but find it difficult to stay motivated? When your ultimate goal - your little one's language fluency - seems months or years away, motivation becomes the most important factor during the long haul.
So here are a few inspiring quotes to remind you that raising your little one bilingual or multilingual is totally worth the effort. Being bilingual/multilingual will expand their opportunities in life and broaden their perspective. Learning Cantonese will give your little one a special insight into the Chinese culture too.
If you have spent the last months researching for the best strategy to introduce Cantonese as a second (or third or fourth...) language to your kid, stop the research and start now. There is no perfect strategy and you will learn along the way. Just start, be consistent and enjoy the journey!

Stop fussing over perfection. So what if your kid speaks Cantonese with an accent? So what if sometimes your kid answers you in the "wrong" language? So what if your kid forgets a Cantonese word or two from time to time? The most important thing is they are learning Cantonese!

There will be moments (more than you would like) when you ask yourself if it is really worth the effort teaching your little one Cantonese when they don't seem to need the language in their daily life. It is worth it. These quotes below will remind you why you begin this wonderful bilingual/multilingual journey!

The journey of bilingual/multilingual parenting is not going to be easy. There will be doubts. There will be challenges. Just raise your foot higher!

Do you have a favorite quote that keeps your motivation juice going? Share with me in a comment.